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Ionized Alkaline Water and Your Gut

Maintaining a healthy balance of gut microflora is the key to efficient digestion and overall health. Dysbiosis is a condition when your healthy gut flora have been compromised or overtaken by disease-causing microbes. Food allergies, the overconsumption of refined sugars and flours and processed foods, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hypoacidity of the stomach, excessive consumption of alcohol, or the overconsumption of carbohydrates and fiber can lead to dysbiosis.

Most of the "friendly" or residential microflora of intestinal tract of humans consists of strict anaerobes and 1-4% aerobes. Many diseases of the intestine are due to a disturbance in the balance of the microorganisms inhabiting the gut. The treatment of such diseases involves the restoration of the quantity and/or balance of residential microflora in the intestinal tract. It is known that aerobes and anaerobes grow at different oxidation-reduction potentials (ORP). Anaerobes do not grow unless the E(h) value is negative between -300 and -400 mV. In this work, it is suggested that prerequisite for the recovery and maintenance of obligatory anaerobic microflora in the intestinal tract is a negative ORP value of the intestinal milieu. Electrolyzed reducing water with E(h) values between 0 and -300 mV produced in electrolysis devices possesses this property. Drinking water from our True Water Bar assist in the growth of residential microflora in the gut. A sufficient array of data confirms this idea. Our True Water Bar produces an ORP of -300 with a pH of 8-10 for ideal drinking water.

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