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When to workout and how to be creative

When to workout

Working out, fitness, health, all things that are important, but when is there time.

In a perfect world my kids would sleep until 7am, and I could get up at 6am to get my workout in, but that's not happening. My kids sleep is super unpredictable, which is hard. I love to do mini workouts through out the day, but I have to be creative about it. When cleaning up toys I do a squat instead of just bending down and there are always a lot of toys to pick up. For weights I carry both twins in my arms and go up the stairs, because if one twin wants up then you know the other does too. Let me tell you, their legs do not always want to work, at least that is how they act, and they are 30lbs each. So I carry 60lbs up the stairs almost on a daily basis. At school I climb the steps up and down until it burns and I circle the kids on the playground to get my walking in. There is always time to fit something in, you just have to be creative about it. So the next time you go to pick something up off the floor do not bend down, do a squat.

Creative ways to work out

1) Do a squat to pick an item up instead of bending down

2) Do laps around the playground while your kids play. This helps you keep an eye on everyone while still walking and getting steps in.

3) Carry you kids up the stairs to add weight in your arms. Warning, do not do this all they time or they will never want to climb the stairs on their own again.

4) Do arm curls with your child in your arms. They love it and will giggle the whole time, and your arms will get a good workout.

5) Do head, shoulders, knees and toes with your kids, or any active song. Gets them engaged and will raise your heart rate.

6) Lay on the floor and use your legs to superman you child in the air. It's a great ab workout.

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