Scientific Proof to Prevention and Destruction of Cancer Cells
Many medical studies have proven alkaline ionized drinking waters anti cancer benefits as scientist discovered "electrolyzed reduced...

Ionized Acid Water and Acne
Acne is extremely common and affects more then 40 million individuals in the United States. Acne can be found in every age group, but...

What Are Antioxidants?
Through studies done on cancer and Ionized Alkaline Water it has been suggested that Ionized Alkaline Water is an antioxidant. As the...

Ionized Alkaline Water and Free Radicals
To understand how ionized alkaline pH water benefits your body one needs to read the research done by scientist on the water. Many...

Do you know what you are drinking?
For the last few days I have been researching what is in our city water and I am shocked! Do you know what is in the water you drink? Do...

Joints and Water
The amount of water you drink daily can affect your joint health. Your joints could hurt for many different reasons, but increasing your...

What does your body do with all that water?
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What is Water?
Water is a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance. Its chemical formula is H2O, meaning that its molecule contains one...

What is PH?
The letters "PH" stand for "potential of hydrogen" and simply measures how acidic or alkaline your body is on a logarithmic scale from 0...

Alkaline Water Benefits
What affects pH? Normally, the kidneys maintain our electrolyte levels, those of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. When we are...